Friday, June 24, 2022


if you travel at the speed of light , time slows down for you

this explains the  the old Indian story of the man who visits deva-loka for a few hours, and comes back to find that his world is no longer recognisable as many years have passed, and that it is the time of his grandchildren...

the devas must be 'particulating' at  multiples of light-speed

this only makes sense if the manifesting -non-manifesting tao were talking about quantum particles , which way the devas would be composed not of atoms, which are way down in the manifestation spectrum, but of sub-atomic-non-manifest particles somehow interlocking into emergent -for lack of a better word - organisms.

to be noted, the manifestation spectrum is also tied to the probability spectrum, ie, for the manifested p = 1

and less than one for the un-manifested


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