"I have heard that there are two kinds of welders: production welders, who don't like tricky setups and enjoy doing the same thing over and over again; and maintenance welders, who hate it when they have to do the same job twice. The advice was that if you hire a welder make sure which kind he is, because they’re not interchangeable"
Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
why does it sound like a software job???
dunno. it isn't
Think that is true not just of welders, but people in general.
yeah, do away with the 'welder/welding' words and it still holds.
but I'd guess we're both at different times..
Bob: now that is an interesting though. I guess u r right. But surely 1 of these traits must be dominant. U'd def hv more times of one kind than the other.
umm, hafta beg to differ :
take a sample case, of a writer :-
to an outsider, the writer tends to work daily with a pen&paper/typewriter/word-processor. prod-weldr.
But the writer writes different stories each time. maint-weldr.
but the stories are all crime/detective fiction ... prod-weldr...
I'm just trying to prove here that the list can be drawn endlessly.
( I'm in a bit of a hurry, hence this may not sound as convincing as it does to me ... )
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