Monday, February 05, 2007

heart of a city

A busy week. People people and more people. Sacred ties, divine feasts, discovery of the horse-faced one, a fight between time and camera batteries. Farewells, politics, groaners and the plain kooky days. Enough of them already. Hearing my own tongue spoken fails to soothe any more.
Everybody's busy and I'm like a stone in the middle of a rushing stream. I wander through empty halls and trespass on living spaces. Sleep, coffee, errands , shuffling between houses and the eternal laundry questions, and before you know it, it's the end of the show. Now,where DID my week go !!!!
A drive, dinner, a walk .The vegetable & fruit mart, the corner shop, and there!! near the grocery store - a familiar silhouette !! But it's not you.
If you were here, I'd wait for you to get off work, we'd indulge you with a milk shake , or me with a coffee, walk though semi-lit streets with their half-hearted traffic, remark on this and that, your words would be cherished, but mine would be filed away for later reference ( I know your ways ), I'd
sometimes hold your hand , we'd talk worries through,I'd be teased, blackmailed... we would drop you off at your place and I'd amble down to mine
and it would seem that the silver caresses of the full moon and the fragrance of the honeysuckle heavy in the air have replaced the intruding lights and smoke of the city's swarming traffic, and I'd float with eyes closed in a happy daze that would end when you get off work the next day. The roads and time would be ours.
They say a city doesn't claim you for its own until you claim one of its
I'm free to roam

wandering upon dusty abandoned bookshelves, I chanced on a page from the past -
Enid Blyton's "Tales of Adventure" - a book from then when there was no confusion, book heroes were personal friends, and books needed illustrations like fish need water. As we grow up, the color vanishes from the books, from lives, gets replaced by a dull grey that we've grown to abhor yet tolerate. Not inevitably. I'm going to 'borrow' this book . Let's splash some of that paint again

some researched stuff on Camelot here

" Here lies Arthur, Once King and King to be "


Blogger Progga said...

my little froogle, you have a way with words.

12:55 AM, February 22, 2007  

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