are like onions.
both have layers
obscure brown
on the outside
peel past
and there's
flesh inside
and a heart
the heart
of an onion
I wonder ...
both have layers
obscure brown
on the outside
peel past
and there's
flesh inside
and a heart
the heart
of an onion
I wonder ...
what a strange thing to talk about - ogres? :)
but a profound thought - i've seen many humans (yours truly being one of them) who have these layers. we all put up an external mask - usually something totally different from what we are deep down inside
onion hearts glaze eyes.
as do the ogres resting within.
quick, get some garlic.
just in time.
we shall be saved.
no, superman is busy today but we do have a stand-in.
dharmabum : "ogres are like onions" is from shrek, which makes it all the more relevant, considering we're both pretty much cartoons ourselves ..
monsoonbread : err... okay !!
Reminds me of those gifts wrapped in several pieces of wrapping paper. Each time you unwrap a layer with great expectations...poof! Just hoping that when one arrives at the gift finally, maybe the heart inside, it was worth the journey for the 'giftee'! ;)
i don't believe u r a cartoon, k. nope. and i know u inuf to believe that :)
aarcher : I bought my brother some gift-wrap for Christmas. I took and to the Gift
Wrap department and told them to wrap it, but in a different print so he
would know when to stop unwrapping.
-- Stephen Wright
dharmabum : take it easy man !!
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