Wednesday, August 01, 2007

babble to be pensieve'd

The brain has a short-term buffer of 7+/- 2. For a rather competent
sort of chap to remember 10 random objects ( can't be done ) is to
attach _one_ of those ten to _some_ odd end already lodged in his
long-term, and remember the other nine by sheer brute force.
To have a day-to-day working buffer of better than 7+/- 2, one needs
an alliance of long-term and short-term components forming a combine .
The long-term component provides a) _persistence_ to the combine as well as b) providing slots for the short-term component to _attach_ its pieces.

An agent-and-tool alliance which enables the agent to better
circumstance and aids its survival, effectively transforms into a super-agent.
thus the tool stops being used, and the agent stops being the user,
utility gets replaced by symbiosis.

quote: with a firm grasp on the finite, reach for the infinite

if you make out what I'm blabbering about , drop me a line !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So hows your new Pulsar DTSI behaving, Bob?

12:56 PM, August 06, 2007  

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