Tuesday, November 11, 2008


was watching Guy Ritchie's 'Revolver'.Have to say I liked it. Apparently this movie didn't do well on screens. Apart from the fact that people who liked his previous two would 'spiritual liberation' gagging, there's one more reason - Heck, if a Guy Ritchie movie came to a theatre near me, I'd give it a miss and go straight to Dvd coz I need them subtitles you see. And the you can't rewind-fast-forward on a movie-screen...
but but but, this one's straight english accents that you can understand ,though throughout the movie they keep gibbering on about 'the enemy' like they were in world war two .
This movie peters out after the halfway point and starts going sideways trying to drive in some profound idea .Later on we find this is the ego that is the 'enemy'
Then you realize that lines in the movie that you thought were about something in the movie, weren't. Then , you see that this weakens the plot. Then you realize that the whole movie is just an overlay and a distraction to the 'liberation' funda.

What was awesome about the movie
0. black and white quotes
1. chinatown gangs - every time I see a hong-kong-ese gang speaking cantonese, I start jumping round the place and go eat chinese food at Wang's Dynasty the next day.
2. small animation sequence like in kill bill -
3. luxury sedans.
4. Sorter. This is one amazing character. Thin tall oldish bald man in glasses who can only be described as the guy who 'precision shoots the sh!# out of people' .
5. 'Avi' reminds me of Thelonious Monk
6. chess settings are sure cool ( incidentally there's a blues album called 'chess masters' ? )
7. the Zach is a fat italian in the grey-and-white track-suit looking exactly like what a t.v costume designer would imagine 'fat tony' would look like.
8. voice over narration

this movie has an 'shoot the alter ego with an imagined gun to kill it' piece like in the fight club movie.
Apparently, the funda is kabbala. But zen sounds very similiar too.


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