Wednesday, November 11, 2009

how do you handle something precious ?

when you wake up one day and realize that your life is better and that it seems like you're in a dream, what do you do ?
do you rationalize ? do you devalue the good things in your life by being cynical about them ? by telling yourself that it's fate and some get and some don't..
that if you didn't have X , you wouldn't know the difference ?
do you overeat and be mean to people to add some bad karma to even out things ?
can you take joy in what comes your way ?


Blogger dya said...

Did you gollum-ize it, the precious thing? You know, disappear into a dark hole, get clingy, and wait for a hobbit to steal it from you? And for the disbelievers, there is always bad karmic logic.:)

PS:- loved otum!!!!

7:35 PM, November 14, 2009  
Blogger yesbob said...

..just realized there're too many gollum references in my posts .uncomfortbally many !
okay,do I know you ?

9:35 PM, November 14, 2009  

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