Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Purusha Sukta .. or maybe not

And so the arts and sciences were ordered to stand still, and society was divided and sub-divided into functions and professions, trades and crafts. Every man was doomed to follow the occupation of his father, to marry within his own class, to die as he was born. Hope was torn out of the
human life. Egypt was no longer a nation, but an assemblage of torpid castes isolated from one another and breeding in and in. It was no longer a body animated by the same heart, fed by the same blood,
but an automaton neatly pieced together, of which the head was the
the arms were the army, and the feet the working-class.
In quiescence it was a perfect image of the living form, but a touch came from without,
and the arms broke asunder at the joints and fell upon the ground.

Winwood Reade, The Martyrdom of Man


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