Sunday, September 18, 2011

rediscovering Kathy Sierra's lectures. It began with a talk titled 'how to kick ass' on, cooupled with a blog post on titled 'how to become a grandmaster' - both touched on similiar themes and had good information ,the second one more technically so, but h2ka stayed on in the mind because, well , I really care about kicking ass.
That was and is Kathy's argument - talk to the brain, not the mind - (in case the link doesnt work, this is a side by side comparison of brain sizes - fish/amphibian/reptile/mammal (ps: does a fish have NO VOLUNTARY actions at all ?)) - this picture might help - the large brain thinggy you see is the mammalian brain - the neocortex is a small peanut sitting on top of this. the neocortex is reponsible for 'logic' and 'reason', but the LARGE mammalian brain is responsible for keeping you clicking away on reddit.
Agreed, the we need to submit to the peanut one day, but the big one is what will drive us there, nor not at all.

recently watched a video on youtube - kathy sierra - keynote - 2009 nmc conference. Pretty impressive. then later realized her material is all there on her blog -

reddit paid off with this link today -
while you notice this is in the pattern of campbell's 'hero's journey', the 'hero's journey' is probably not so exotic -we see it in everyday events ...
this passage from the link proved very very enlightening -
[–]DDme 19 points20 points21 points 13 hours ago

Honestly, people like to get all psychologist on you about this and say "oh but it'll come back yaddayadda."

We need to acknowledge that we have evolved inside a more intense lifestyle. We were made for tribalism, competition, interaction, challenge, and a life span of up to 40 years. Our chemical biology isn't going to be all that content with 12 hours of reddit every day and menial office work. We have to deal with irrelevant crap inside fractured and unsteady social groups, where our peers are seemingly everybody and nobody.

Clinical depression isn't such a clear thing. Some people spiral into depression just because things are too easy, and they need more challenge and purpose, they may not realise it yet; but for gods sake this doesn't call for medication. Depression to me is waking up in the morning and staring into space, everything I want to fight for is removed from my reach, I have no legitimate identity and no feeling of authenticity. 20 press-ups later and hey presto I am back, it's time for action.

I think you will be fine if you keep your future full of challenges and people who are positive about you, and above all, people that you respect.

note - ".. a more intense lifestyle. We were made for tribalism, competition, interaction, challenge, a .. "
this guy talks about how and why we fragment into subcultures in order to find meaning..

fight club keeps talking about how the current generation american's greatest depression is their lives -
yep , it all makes sense


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