Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Why do the Darebees warmup routine and my SVYASA teacher's warmup routine match exactly ?
Is it possible that yoga asanas are Hungarian  gymnastic routines, or best East European calisthenics done slow, with a control layer of breath , mixing in the Patanjali's yoga ?

The standing half back rotations are vital to de-stress the eyes that have been over-focussing on screens at an arm's length for whole daylights. The visioning tends to get locked, and the head rotation with eyes open works out these 'ruts', without which you are heading for motion-sickness.
The buildup of bubbles in the neck eventually leads to their stiffening, causing the Spondy muffler/scarf.
Neck twists break these, and allow for much more vigorous stretching of the neck's tendons and muscles.
The warmup and stretches are the insect crawling up the tower with the thin silk thread.  Asanas don't come to a body that is not tempered by the warmups, stretches and  some strengthening. Muscle , tendon and ligament strength go together.
While it is normal for the human to view the human as an upright stick,  with training we are more like a wheel, think Vitruvian man.

"If you have a hero, look again, you have diminished yourself in some way." - Sheldon Kopp
Some people get this young. The wretched, like me,  have it thrust upon them. Will we change ?

That which says "you must know all before you can do some work , you aren't yet qualified, pedigreed .." is a lie. Remember Pirsig -
"It should be inserted here parenthetically that there’s a school of mechanical thought which says I shouldn’t be getting into a complex assembly I don’t know anything about. I should have training or leave the job to a specialist. That’s a self-serving school of mechanical eliteness I’d like to see wiped out. That was a "specialist" who broke the fins on this machine. I’ve edited manuals written to train specialists for IBM, and what they know when they’re done isn’t that great. You’re at a disadvantage the first time around and it may cost you a little more because of parts you accidentally damage, and it will almost undoubtedly take a lot more time, but the next time around you're way ahead of the specialist. You, with gumption, have learned the assembly the hard way and you’ve a whole set of good feelings about it that he’s unlikely to have."

Yesterday's Project-Product- Valuation analysis is today forgotten, so is  the blazing insight of the multi-axis tool of biz-function /biz-ops/ cs->engg->ops / deployment-app-lib-cs  classifications.

I remember writing in big letters "You must have fun working out" after which I installed Darebees and a Shamatha timer on my phone.
app-> product
lib -> app
inc->tax savings everywhere as director costs
Hope this makes sense sometime.

Given that remote working is here to stay, we are not limited to companies in the 4km radius. I can accept jobs in MG Road, or even Mumbai, not to mention Germany or US.
Will this cause expat Indian engineers to return home ?
Remote working has eaten up all my quota of data as per the plan. In the past few days I have installed Bandwidth+ and Network Link Conditioner. I noticed that meetings and browsing alone ( 9gag,my bad) brought my data usage to 3GB+ per day, so now it's throttled at 1mbps (3 mbps during meetings). There is also a python script to turn off and on wifi ,but I feel that will break something - I think of wifi as a physical thing, like a radio knob or clackety-clacking switch, and that turning it off and on frequently would probably cause the 'wifi card' to break out of its moorings on the 'board.

Being involved in hiring has zero upside. At best the folks you bring in skew the average moderately against you, at worst the skew the average so badly that they take your job.  However, if the organisation is small, then hiring can bring in superstars in other, and possibly your, areas whose work you can see up close and learn and grow.

I've been struggling with Gerald Weinberg's Intro to General Systems Thinking for some time now. Reading has drifted down to mobile, and is read only at interstitial times when I'm lounging, or mornings before the laptop comes up. I haven't been able to allot a daytime slot for disciplined pursuit of progress. So I'm stuck somewhere in the middle, with GW talking about complementarity.
I found most of the views the book very liberating, having armchair overthought through similar routes myself in the past. It's gladdening to see these put as fact( good/true/right/profitable),  with even a college course giving this topic.


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