de-stratified a bit yesterday post a status update that was a bit better than a non-thing and so eased out into fields of delight, in my case turns to cybernetics/systems , lisp and ai.
(fields i don't do anything about coz the morning comes and the soul stratifies like the pair of trousers you stopped wearing before the holidays)
easing out has taken slightly more concrete steps beyond day dreaming, and beyond writing the names on pieces of paper that i carry around like some split personality trying to communicate to the other
anyways, reading has convinced me to move past scheme to lisp.
it means sicp can ease out of the scheme iron constraint
also , AI. means AIMA not PAIP
i had a copy of AIMA after the strand exit - before the yahoo/mu-sigma trench-mud-blood events.
in the gap, instead of AIMA or clojure, I did java and android due to phenomenal gaslighting (they did it so casually and easily) by a wondrous peer group and , of course, my low immunity to peer pressure and a narrow environment due to being jobless.
anyways, i now have aima, tanimoto-ai-lisp, and winston AI and winston lisp books.
all the rambling of galcon,chess, pacman, trading bots etc all boils down to chapters of aima.
udacity also had the ball going and i have the ai classes downloaded too. it started with norvig ai course then all sub topics had courses.
all i needed to do was sit down and grind away instead of watching himym
as i keep saying nowadays ( dunno why) zen + lisp + ai = tao
the shift started when i wrote horrible code, bought clean code, wow'd and aha'd at the content, then wondered if using a framework would wash the blood off my hands and keep my code understandable
I chanced upon j-easy (probably because I subconsciously attract all easy), and thought
" I'll just rewrite my application in workflows, state machines and a rule engine"
The rule engine started a search on baeldung + rule engine ( naturally) , and that threw up JESS and expert shells, and that started a sideways shift to JESS rules in lisp, then lisp, then the tons of AI and LiSP books lying around in the ATT Bell Labs office which probably ended up getting mulched, and of which I picked none ( tragic, but that's the self-flagellating road I walked)
now to see if jeasy saves the bacon, and spares up time for the sidey mcsides campaign, or not.
we did conclude that Jim Rohn time ( time spent working on yourself) must be taken from work time, as there is no more personal time....
also, side note - do not forget standing desks -they are the first pawn against a bad back
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