Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Channeling Alan Watts

Historically gods have enjoyed immense power and strength, riches, success in all battles, battalions of beautiful women.  Everybody aspired to be one , to wander forests and come upon some magic or mage who would confer such powers onto them.  Of course, conveniently ignoring Ragnarok. The death of Krishna doesn't get sung much.

 The stories of Buddha in the east, and later Jesus in the middle-east, put an end to that. Now godding is not an aspirational career choice any more. No more 'celestial monarchs'. Will new gods be in charge of the Interest Rates of the Universe ?

More Alan Watts - "Money  isn't real. It's book-keeping"

It's only as good as it is enforceable, hence morality, law & order, and enforcement. 

Universal basic income would fail in societies where rationality isn't predominant. Brains fear  the unseen tiger in the bushes more than the fruit(?) dangling off it.  Hence, in any society, over time, money will flow to the one who can keep the monsters at bay, and typically the monsters are kept at bay by other monsters, hence you'll find them in the police and army. 

Can a maslow index be calculated , to describe how a person/society would behave, given a situation, where in the hierarchy would the response come from ?

brainy people need to express themselves to remain happy. brains secrete thoughts like stomachs secrete acid, said a buddhist. and in keeping with the rules of physics, we can assume the secretions pile up and up in the head until the human  is paralysed. that is why yoga nirodhas the citta-vrittis, and nirvana is a 'wind'-less landscape.

2 take aways from mark manson's elon musk video - problem solving as a way to wealth, and doing one thing for a few DAYS as way to be more effecting. 


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