Is consciousness in a thing the same as its behaviour ? the sum total of behaviours ? or is it something else - something more ? something inside ?
Here is where philosophy stops and religion begins. Religion takes one hypothesis, elevates it to the level of an axiom, then proceeds to build a system of rules on top of this and live out a life on these rules.
Samkya claims there are many , Buddhist Anatman claims there isn't one. Advaita claims there is one. Visista Advaita claims there are many, of which one is exalted and worth worshipping..
At this point, we know a thing for what it does. even physical properties can be expressed as a 'does' ;
for eg, what a surface 'does' when you touch it makes it hard or soft or clay-ey
This is primarily because we 'know' reality through our sensors. 'we' 'know' our reality through our sensors. It is not possible to be aware of something without physical interaction with it.
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