Thursday, December 14, 2023

hackathon was fun,

kathy sierra _did_ mention code-jams as a way to grow, 

'code jam' being a coding event where you ship something that works end-to-end, at the end of the session

the hackathon was fun because i finished stuff, end-to-end, that was useful to someone else

naturally, i mentally added all charts to the list, including the old maps-choropleth-mapbox-galcon, etc

naturally, it became a big vague ball of gas that i couldn't parse and dropped 

it's tempting to re-do email, todos, etc in a simple way (flask and jinja and bootstrap only )

and locstack is tempting too, however i don't look forward to the rubber-road moment -

maybe it's best to get it out of the way

the distance between setting up rules and facts in a lisp shell, and running them , and doing the same thing in java, is so huge that it's hard to comprehend that they're the same thing

the thumbrule is - NEVER come to java unless you know what needs to be done , in the real life sense, and have probably written it down; java-itis is real, and there's no cure that doesn't cost the rest of your life

I'm going to keep this blog open for the whole day

update : never came back to this.  hackathon took it out of me. ended up resorting to much junk


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