Thursday, December 21, 2023

 The cult of those people who raise their right hand up straight towards heaven, at eleven o 'clock, daily , every day.

The human brain, hereafter the rabbit, fears tigers and likes carrots. It fears more than it likes.

The rabbit also suspects that rustling bushes contain tigers, more than they contain not-tigers.

Therefore, we can use rustling bushes to generate psycho force, also known in different circles as motivation or incentive. Carrots create psycho force too, but less than a tiger of equal size, assuming spherical tigers and carrots on a friction-less surface

Sometimes, rabbits are motivated buyers of carrots because they are afraid of starvation.

And rabbits can easily be made to see tigers in other rabbits.

Rabbits can be convinced to raise their hands at eleven, and feel comfort and kinship with those wjo do the same, and see the tiger in those who don't. 

It starts with something the rabbit likes, like a carrot. All you said was "who wants a carrot?!" at eleven, and hands went up ;and over time this became a practice, and then the hands went up even if the carrot wasn't there,  and one day the carrot ascended into heaven (a rabbit ,wise with beard, said) and a religion was born.

You see, it was nice getting into the ring for the carrot, a daily carrot was nice, but now that getting out comes into the picture, what if there are tigers outside ?

At first the ring was carrot dilettantes like you, made of wisps of idle interest. After a while, it has hardened into a shelle a dome a wall of psycjo force you cannot break past. A religion is born.

And with religion comes belief, and with belief, heretics. 

The presence of Others creates psycho forces that repels rabbits away from them and towards each other. The concentration of psycho forces  proves fortuitous and lends to harnessing, after all, the  path laid with belief to begin with, can be widened further with more of the same !

And thus we see , the chorus of shadows , vessels afloat in an imagined sea of tigers, each safe as long as they hold on to each other, safe from others ,who are safe as long as they hold on to their each others..


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