ddi you know that the capital of Burundi is Bujumbura. Now you know !
Much has been made of leaving the middle class, of becoming rich by thinking as if you were rich.
of the mindset books - woo woo - here are the choicest ( not counting the leviathan - think and grow RICH by napolean hill that started it all ... )
* rich dad poor dad
* how rich people think
* secrets of the millionaire mind
these attempt to change the 'script' inside one's head; refactor the perspective so that one doesn't cannibalise 'growth' in favour of essentially 'dead' 'poor-people' behaviours
when attempting to leave the middle class/ poor mindset, at some point you realise that rich people play poker with life, but each game stake is a slice of their resources, but you are playing poker with your entire resources.
at every stage, society only tells men - good, but not enough. thus they stay enslaved for their lives, until old age comes upon them, and they are ignored, like flawed furniture that sits around the house, unused, but not thrown out.... until it gets in the way once too often. i want to die before i become too embarrassingly obsolete and weak and needy. there is no place for the weak and dependent in this part of town. i want to die away from my bloodsuckers. probably have a cigarette and a beer before i go.
one risk with 'faking it till you make it' and 'talking the talk before walking the walk' is that one might start spending like the 'rich' and end up depleting the core capital reserves, and end up with credit card debt and shiny but deprecated swag
on a different in a different dimension, there are some who can see the blackness within darkness, the spirit in the emptiness. and the ones who can't are multiplying and plopping themselves down everywhere and infecting everything
a strange connect this week - raph koster's theory of fun, and graeber's article on play. to play is the way. ludere est via
being born hindu is like being at a train terminal -there are many trains, you can take any train, but only one at a time.
i tried digging a well ,but the apartment below mine complained, so I had to stop
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