Saturday, April 20, 2024

 There is no logical rational reason to be alive, other than that dying's a chore and a bore, and usually a pain

Therefore, only the irrational and the flawed have a zest for increasing world population. And ,of course, our leaders , cos misery and poverty is the engine of a society where murder is outlawed.

All religion IS alcohol,opium... especially meditation, because, done wrong, only a detached self can lop off human heads for something asnabtruse as 'honor ', and be unaffected..

Enlightment,like money, amplifies. 

Just as all humans have assholes, there is an asshole in everybody. Without the seatbelts that are the trainings of compassion and kindness, enlightenment amplifies this too,  until people around you cant stand it

Theee are trainings not lessons and cannot be done without continuous guidance of a guru.

the purpose of religion is to numb, but as per mcluhan, tools can do the same too


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