Friday, June 07, 2024

 don't say " I am going to get a loan"

say instead " I am going to rent some money "

remember banks rent your money for 3% , and rent it out for 10% 

now that my option is in the money, I purchased one put option, the idea is that it will go up in value the lower the index goes, thereby hedging the earnings on premium growth. 

If on expiry, the call option is long ITM, we can just let the put option expire worthlessly.

If the market reverses terribly, the put option will bring in money, either in premium or in intrinsic value.

Worst case call decays and loses money and the index closes at less than break even for the call (23k), and above the put . In this case we'll get two small premiums. 

Still not too bad, as long as capital is preserved


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