Monday, September 23, 2024

 the explore-exploit concept in RL struck a very large gong in my head

i'd read a narrative version of it in Bloom, about bacterial groups going off searching for food

i'd saw/heard it in the video on RL - i had read about agents and mazes it in the first chapter of AIMA ( it was in that age where I never read/understood/implemented) anything past the first page of any book I had ....

but when Rory Sutherland talked about 10-20% bees ignoring the waggle dance and going off elsewhere , it rang the large gong , rather deafeningly 


over the last couple of days this idea struck me

the male of our species is essentially coded to be explorers. The testosterone assures that (?). The female is the exploiter.  As per McLuhan, the female is the first centre, as the male needs to run interference for her/it. Men become successful typically later in life, when their testosterone runs lower, and they can stop going off on tangents/unbeaten paths...

Rory S was talking about organisations weeding out seemingly unprofitable roles/functions in the name of efficiency, and ending up weeding out the explorers ( and that's why we the system comes up with horsecrap like 'where is my cheese' - something the drone in the trenches cannot ever put to practice)


without nature indulging in 'explore',  there wouldn't be more than one sigma...


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