Friday, January 17, 2025

 After everything becomes electric, all load is shunted to the power stations which turn nuclear and super-nuclear to cope up with the demand. The excess of nuclear radio active waste is handled by  a company named DJ , which conveniently resolves the problem by slinging radioactive oil-tanker sized canisters towards the sun. A one time attometer-inaccuracy in the microchip calculating the trajectory causes the canister to miss the sun just enough to slingshot around it without getting incinerated.

Canister ZZ Beta is now heading to earth

Nasta (nasa but for space trash) estimates impact in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and so mediandrops interest witjim the week

Zookie, a space salvager , notices something odd tripping his distant-probe-laser-lines intermittently. 

Zookie's ship is a strange one,  it is powered by clockwork springs which he diligently winds up whenever in gravity. on his dashboard are wheels with handles, which when turned, would position a spring exactly so, and a button, which would release it, propelling him in the needed direction . An extremely low-tech solution, this had saved Zookie's ass in multiple scenarios involving running out of fuel, pirates, competitors, and skirting sector-control-patrols. A true entrepreneur, Zookie had stationed himself just far enough from the space-elevator-gate so as to not bother the patrols and the serious-minded traffic, but close enough to magnetically siphon off all the space trash typically jettisoned at re-entry /departure from the space-elevator-gate.


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