Monday, August 29, 2005


the weekend runs out so fast
but monday has a charm of its own
for it's the darling
of random rants

ginger-ale,non-alcoholic, with a sprinking of pepper

The Smiths - Heaven know's I'm miserable now

watching and re-watching 'The Big Lebowski'

life is what happens when you're planning for life, they

nobody has all the answers. so they say.

beware of going too far, or you might end up where
you started

it's difficult when you know there're others watching

as a kid, I had a book which had two stories. The second was
'The Magic Carpet' by Vladislav Krapivin.
It is the story of kids who find a magic carpet and have loads
of pure fun and then grow up out of it all. The carpet stops flying.
Until another kid discovers it. Heartbreak wrapped in a gentle

The first story was called 'The Pilot for Special Missions' -
( thanks to google. I'd almost forgotten all about the it )

I have the book at home. But it doesn't have the magic when I
read it now.


Vetrogorsk, here I come.
well, not right now, though.

a fine comedy
this grey of uncertainty
but with hope
also a tapestry


Blogger Mrs. Dalloway said...

I have to tell you yet again, it is painful.

Nobody has all the questions.

I did wonder what happened to the kids when they grew up, would they still climb up the magic faraway tree, would the wishing chair take them where they wished... I grew more up and stopped wondering.

12:52 PM, August 29, 2005  
Blogger yesbob said...

well, I guess, questions are easier to find than answers...
unless you're looking for questions, of course

5:42 AM, August 30, 2005  

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