Wednesday, July 26, 2006

book/movie review : The Beach

The short of it :
a bunch of junkies set up camp on an island which has a beach with white sand and a poppy field next door with armed guards who enthusiastically discourage prospective tenants by shooting them in the head . Some more junkies join them.

The long of it :
our hero ,friends and the odd girl (odd, not queer ) manage to get past these guards (surprise) and join the group on the island and everybody lives happily ever after. No wait, that would be too boring and would cut the movie in half

To keep the story going , our hero valiantly screws someone else's girlfriend ( all the bikini-ed chicks are someone else's girlfriends coz he hasn't brought his girlfriend to the party - smart move, that ) - and kills a baby shark.
The baby shark's mother bites the leg off of one of the guys, partially in retaliation, and partially out of being bored to death out of having nothing to do

and oh yeah, I forgot to mention, the movie starts off in a cheap hotel room where one of the junkies gives our hero the map to the island, and then kills himself , making a bloody mess in the process. This and the shark-biting-leg scene make up for much-needed variety in color in the otherwise white-sand-white-sky-blue-sear-blue movie.

Baby-face Leo makes it impossible to take the whole living-outside-and-beyond-civillization thing seriously ...

As usual, the book is better.

The book is about a bunch of junkies who find running a house and family, even on a beach with nintendo gameboys around, is not very addictive and not easy at all .. that you have to keep going to town for supplies .... and that the thing about 'there are good neighbours wherever you go' came out of some stoned hippie's skull , whose friends should've fed him to a shark at the first given opportunity

The moral of the story is that the drug trade is doing pretty well, and that if stock from the Beach makes it to the mainland, prices around the world might just come down ...


Blogger Ken said...

We have Nikhil to thank don't we. He's made me read the most strange yet cool books always. Did he thrust into your hands High Fidelity (Nick Hornby) as well sometime?

5:26 PM, July 26, 2006  
Blogger yesbob said...

almost. but something else came up at that time. But I did read 'The Labyrinthe' - a story from inside the nazi secret service machine - written by one of their generals ... awesome it was

5:30 PM, July 26, 2006  
Blogger Sujith said...

what a review man:)))...wonder if it is the same movie I saw ;)

8:41 AM, July 28, 2006  
Blogger Arthur Quiller Couch said...

Leo is such a wuss.

4:48 PM, August 20, 2006  
Blogger Progga said...

Surprisingly, Leo was an extraordinarily good child actor. Watch "What's eating Gilbert Grape". Johnny Depp & the boy.

1:00 AM, August 26, 2006  
Blogger yesbob said...

progga : duly noted !!

3:41 PM, August 26, 2006  

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