Monday, December 22, 2008


a quick walk down memory lane, one wrong turn and you're back in your classroom of long ago. empty desks look at you as though it were only yesterday. it's hard to imagine yourself as a kid, but when you do, the memories so wipe out everything in your conscious and redraw the images. you now become a thin kid .it's easy to laugh, run and jump. your fat blob ass weighs you down and highlights this contrast.

what can you say for the giants of wisdom,skill and caring who have touched your life in beautiful ways , except be humble and extremely grateful for the good fortune when you think of the others who didn't get it.
I read 'The pilot for special missions' as a kid. It was book one in a two part book. the second was the flying carpet. Oh vetrogorsk, how can one fall in love with a city, but I did.lighthouses and the ship museum and all.
then comes adventures of captain's island. I still have the sketches i made of clippers but the books have been lost. hence I must resort to the net to find versions of them. btw, captain's island was by sofia profokieva.

Thank you , kind pirate, or should I say, resurrecter of the lost valuable ..

the pilot for special missions

edit: it's sofia prokofieva and not sofia profokieva


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