Thursday, June 28, 2012

tempo - venkat rao. also 'destruction   & creation'  - boyd
  1. artificial intelligence a modern approach  - peter norvig
  2. algorithmic beauty of plants
  3. laws of form - g spencer brown
  4. complexity a guided tour - melanie mitchell ???
  5. godel, escher ,bach :an eternal golden braid - douglas hofstadter ???
  6. Lisp: A Language for Stratified Design  - Abelson, Sussman
  7. Introduction to cybernetics - ross ashby
  8. design for a brain - ross ashby
  9. autocatalytic sets ?
  10. complex adaptive systems, the difference - scott e page
  11. atyonlh, witaoim, Intensive science and virtual philosophy - manuel delanda
  12. *destratified/ erik davis 
  13. Growing artifical societies - epstein , axtell
  14. collapse of complex societies - tainter
  15. medium is the message, understanding media - mcluhan
  16. systemantics - gall 


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