Tuesday, January 08, 2019

arguing on the internet #1

"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an Atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you"

- someone , attributed to WH.

Only because science is all models, and all models are wrong and some are useful (1) , but G/god is a story , a narrative, and the part of the brain that handles emotion connected narrative is like Africa compared to the part of the brain that handles logic and abstraction which is like  London, so the brain more 'story's things than 'logic's things .

Story is the water to us whales , and air the logic we come up to take in.

//Wow, I excel myself. This is going on my blog.

God the model is comprehended by the neocortex and God the story is comprehended by the large continent-like mammalian brain. So ,while cerebrally discussing , one might agree that the God/Bible is a story, when it's gut reaction time, lots of human behaviour patterns start following the characters in the scriptures....

science is the sharp edge of human collective consciousness, narrative & story the gooey middle of it - a fog of goo with prickles on the outside ( see Alan Watts Prickles & Goo)

so what this means is when a swarm needs to expand, it hauls out the scientific apparatus, and discovers things, and then commoditizes it so that the middling masses can use it without knowing more than 'God', or 'Comrade Stalin' or 'Civilization' made it possible - ( today all sorts of yahoos can use cellphones without knowing the name of Shannon )

The closer to the edge you get, the much pricklier it gets, with much lower tolerances.

It follows the center is completely vapor.

(1) George Box


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