Saturday, July 04, 2020

time is an illusion

"Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so"

Am I conscious this moment ?
Was I conscious a moment ago ?

- Susan BlackMore , Ten Zen Questions

As per Wen the Eternally Surprised, time is an illusion and there is only the present moment. The universe is destroyed  at the end of it and created anew .

Scott Adams, God's Debris. goes on to say that between the destruction and creation, probability comes into play. And this accounts for all change.
In other words, Probability is, and in each iteration of the world, it manifests so that it looks like a thing is changing.
Brains are delusion generators and come up with stories  like aging and growth to explain chance.

// Hogfather quote - justice mercy

Zen harps on 'there is nothing' so does all buddhism

Right knowledge in Buddhism is Jhana or deep absorption states where the self is silent,
Nirvana is when the self is silent

therefore, it follows that the current noisy self is just a large distraction, a newspaper full of text and color and no content.


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