Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 What if the big bang was actually an explosion of consciousness, which gave rise to many virtual minds.... after all, the number of minds in the world is claimed to be one ..

In Advaita* even a rock is it. 

What if dark matter which permeates  and is contained in everything, is actually the Tao,  it gives rise to the two - matter and energy, space and time,  positron and electron .....

Atoms are 99% empty space. The boundary between the cup and the tea, or between two objects, is just a lot of space with some particles interspersed. I suppose, the only reason they don't blend into one, is charge, and material specific forces.

Then, if a person could switch off all charge in his body, he could walk through walls ! 

reading : Keepers of the Kalachakra by Ashwin Sanghi

ps : late night reading  of Foerster talking about cybernetics

what if the taoist heaven and earth were nothing more than the wave and the particle ?

pps :* re advaita and vishishtadvaita from sivanandaonline

Sankara's personal God, his Isvara, is himself something unreal, Ramanuja's Brahman, on the other hand, is essentially a Personal God

ppps : The ISKCONis sound remarkably like V.Advaita, even though the name they throw about  much in their literature is Advaita....


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