Sunday, March 05, 2023

In this phenomenal (ly long) post, there is much good reading and much Graeber like vibes thrown off...
the related post on millenial burn-out got me hooked/floored completely, nodding at every sentence thinking-saying "hey, that's me .... !!!" , and I didn't even know before reading this, that I was a millenial 
( I always thought Gen X  - nintendo playing , suit wearing,  proactive quoting suburban-dwelling office-goer )
yet, it loses the plot when we reach here .... I quote the post ..

But, when you think through the implications, we don’t actually want less productivity as a society. We want more…
* We want energy to be more efficient in order to reduce climate change.
* We want more powerful and smaller supercomputers in our pockets for the same price.
* We want less waste filling up landfills.
* We want the things we buy to cost less while also getting better and faster.

to be honest, I don't care about ANY of the above. I am pretty sure no normal human does. Or he's lying.

Productivity is not a term used by a normal human. It is a term used by an industrial human. And given to him by his managers. It is a term of the capitalist.

We REALLY don't care a f*ck about climate change. Not when the trillions of tons of CO2 released  in the process of constructing un-livable cities,   monstrous cars,  an infinite number of pieces of plastic kitsch which we need to use and throw, all the while using up our time and life and giving us a life of slavery ,  within metal boxes , beige colored cloth boxes and drywall boxes , through which we cycle, like a gerbil in its wheel.
After meaning has been ripped away with the deluge of bullsh!t jobs, and our connection to the Earth has been ripped away - we can no longer see beyond house, office, city, country... we are told to - what - take a bicycle to work ? to save the planet ? or use paper bags ? 
The entire debt driven economy keeps driving us running faster and faster doing things we hate more and more and constructing a world that is more and more meaningless, senseless, and un-palatable. You want to save the planet, then take a hard look at the economy and kill some of your sacred cows  such as   profit-over-humans... the planet'll naturally recover
In a connected world, profit becomes a zero sum game. Learn the term 'pareto efficient'

And this is the kicker , the smoking gun - the piece of shit sitting in th middle of your plate of your so called thousand-dollar-caviar - 
We want more powerful and smaller supercomputers in our pockets for the same price.
We don't. we have plenty of computing power. People have launched space shuttles on less computing power than in a typical pocket phone.  We want those closed eco-systems opened, the processing power of our devices actually unshackled. 
We don't want to be forced to buy new phones every year. Forced to throw away previously bought ,perfectly working phones. A wikipedia page viewed on a CRT monitor does not convey any less information than when viewed in 4k. 
Pictures of your beloved in 4k will always be a lesser stand-in than time spent with them in real space-time, as opposed to commuting from said unlivable cities to your bullsh!t meaningless job  to earn money to buy more and more disposable mass produced low quality cr@p what excels at stealing life and time from its makers.  

We are all running captive on a capitalist-consumerist treadmill, which keeps speeding up. The socially approved drugs of society give it away. Caffeine (it's not coffee anymore),  to up and get things done for your boss, and alcohol to shut down the body and mind, and take the edge off of your rage at the emptiness , while you grab a meal of massively subsidised wheat injected with  sugar, and varieties of palm oil, these are the only tastes available now anywhere.

And the way this sentence is worded, so specifically, while the rest of three seem like vague generic  points in a corporate social accountability powerpoint, or some enlightened high-schooler's anti-capitalist manifesto. 
Freeing the planet from debt and even money , is the only way to free up the 7 billion supercomputers that are today struggling to make it on the bottom tier of the Maslow Pyramid.

UBI  has been proposed by more intelligent minds, way in the past, but that would stop the gusher of 'profit' from the 'engines of economy', so I don't see it happening. Until the entire planet is a large wasteland.


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