Wednesday, February 14, 2024

re-stumbled upon ribbonfarm's "acting dead, trading up, and leaving the middle class" post again

 the magnum opus - 6 harsh truths - seems to have undergone series of buffing with the sandpaper of political correctness, to the point it now sounds like one of those 6 steps to success canned spiels by motivational speakers on youtube and or cheap books sold pirated on the pavements

thanks to the genius of the wayback machine, we have the originals

giles bowkett's original blogspot blog used to be so good cos of all the raw language and almost explicit totally unrelated gratuitious but refreshing imagery . all sobered up

be the person you'd want to hang around

if you're not him, invent him

the narrator (cornelius ?) invented tyler durden

who are you gonna invent ?


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