Monday, June 10, 2024

 perspective is the consequence of a slow Corpus Callosum

however, a fast CC. gives a gives a supra-perspective, that is can never be put down

I read Delanda -Destratified by Erik Davis, a long long time ago ( probably in the 2010-12 era)

I probably read it because someone once told me "there's a superstar in our universe and his name is Deleuze' .  I only held it as a matter of faith. But I held to it very strongly. Attempt to read a thousand years of non-linear history didn't bear fruit. In typical fashion, I never read even the intro or toc of a thousand plateaus. Thanks to chatgpt, some terms started showing up in its answers. Now , after enough escapes into chatgpt , I now got to realize, all DeLanda was talking about was fully in the second book . Maybe I'll read it someday, what with the Burn-All-Books narrative going on...


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