Sunday, November 17, 2024

 * sea of poppies

* three body problem

I said I wouldn't indulge

If you can eelf destruct in the virtual, the abstract, then maybe you can avoid the loss in the gross, the real, hence the path of austerities

If you bang your head against a rock,  eventually your heas would learn the rock. Looking up the directory and then the shelves, is a lot of work, and a lot of time has to go by before a bookstore worker develops a feel for the books, the titles, the authors, but this is the way. And if you have any resistance, it will be all uphill, but with inclination, thesame work is wind behind your sails, the wave lifting your surfboard....

Your problems are caused by whatever you are , what you do, where you live. Chamge these and observe what gets better.note it down ! Do more of it

Hence fasting and sabbath. Also when fasting the souls voice is clearer

The second consciousness is a model constructed out of the debug log/traces  of reality, generated by the first, viewed by one other than the first, but later, from elsewhere.sorta like pirsig following phaedrus'es trace 


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