ever since the death, his room was left as it was, somethings lying in the exact same place they were when he was alive. Documents had to be furrowed through, ids rummaged through, drawers examined for loot..
we still thought of it as his room, mother and i, with things stacked exactly as he left them, we felt his presence
when my layoff loomed over my head, my spell was broken and I started searching for my old identities. job7me had neglected parents so much while being ground between job7 and family. scenes would bubble up and i would cry. i imagined i wanted to be back in my childhood home, him returning at 530 or 6, both coming inside, getting angry and grumbling and lashing until he went to freshen up, mother getting coffee for us both..
now my own son is a delightful little racoon, obstinate at will, and picky about spiderman, and i couldn't love him any more, that i often think of _him_ in my position and me in my son's, and cry some more. maybe i was an ingrate
once i left home for college, i got an social ego boost i'd never had in my home town -
( and i now understand that depressed and rotting is the default state of everybody in small towns, no matter how finely they dress themselves, and arraign the right brands, and watch the right movies (read the right books, listen to right cassettes in my time) and speak in the right accent, you will always be a small towner.
- and once there and to job and beyond, i could'nt connect with my parents , what with my need for needing to communicate my state in great depth of essence ( i had no idea about depth nor essence at that time, and must've come across as peevish and spoiled... ) , i was a different person, and they would never know - my dad, who had done more and gone farther than me .. i was riding on a cloud of friends and colleagues and posturing and affecting that now i believe to be atleast stupid and fake if not outright manipulative and i wish my to spare my kids from via knowledge ...
now my friends are gone and i can't sit in smoky bars any more i don't drink and cant handle the smoke and can't handle my 'friends' and don't have any actually, have been living under a rock since the first child was born and under a boulder after covid and the second one was born ( and have the muscle tone of a worm to prove it)
now i look back on photos on me, my wife, and children on holiday, scarcely a few years before, and wonder who these young people were and what their lives were like ...
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