nature is fractal, so it follows the basic building block of intelligence is intelligence
this doesn't make sense, but the inverse explains some things
the difference in the corpus callosum structure across the sexes makes for some interesting hypothesis
first, the shorter, broader, fibre-optic speed one makes signals travel faster across the halves. so for the one group, signals are processsed and consumed, for the other , they are consumed then processed. let me explain -
when a signal jumps faster, it reaches the sense of self part of the brain at the same time as it does the mechanical physical part of it. so the social significance of the event is computed at the same time as the physical chronological import. hence, every event either adds or detracts from social status or not. and since this functions this way from ... i don't know when - probably teenage ? the amount of scientific content proportionally is less , compounding all the way to adulthood where it plays close to zero significance
hence each woman is the president of the world women's association. their weapons are long sharp needles which can be thrust in the back during a social hug, or poisons, or needles delivering poison, so that social persona is unchanged. this is also why you can lie to them and get a way, mostly, as long as social status is restored/boosted. memory of past events, chronology, is a lower priority, along with facts
when a signal jumps slower across the gap, it doesn't reach the sense of self part of the brain first, it spends time at the physical chronological part of the brain first, calculations are completed, events are assimilated, models updated by the time it jumps across and reaches the I part. accumulating from ..? teenage-hood, this builds up a large store of fact before which the I has to submit.
think of two organisations, in the first, external events are fed to the CEO first, in the other, they are fed to the CTO first. the other CXO gets to know of it only after a day
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