Wednesday, February 20, 2019

fasting feels NICE !!!

it makes me lighter, more flexible, makes the energy flows more easily ...

fasting/emptying brings back appetite and appreciation

the emptiness of the time brings perspective and 'puts down the cup' ,like AB said.

reading Joko Beck, with threads to Yasutani ,Kapleau, Myoyu Roshi and the Great Plains Zen Center.

XMind is really good. Unloaded my brain in like half an hour. Imagine what daily practice with that can do.

Some notes/ advice
Problem solving: divide into pieces, test each piece separately.
Progress : tracer bullets, one feature a day
Critical thinking : when/where things are and when/where they aren't.
Goals : people around you , not just physically -   | , what you can do - --   yields  |--

zen lessons
do lesser things, slowly, better than last time, with full attention
fast on and off to reconnect
acknowledge and let emotions slide, try not to be swayed by them
work so that you improve slowly but surely, so that in a month, year, progress is  visible
allow yourself to be happy
move so that you get closer to happiness

intelligence w/o principle = cunning ?

My earning, reading, doing, liking and what's on my resume are not aligned.

Gandhi - "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."


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