So far, this blog has been dedicated to things that are completely non-things. I've gone out of my way to avoid putting anything here that is representative. Maybe that was a mistake.
today, I want to write about diversifying . here are ideas that i have been harbouring for too long.
1) alternate index of a retail site/ sub site/ amazon mini stores
retail giants have pages optimised for certain things, such as max throughput. there must be a market for others, like artisanal products, products made by certain orgs etc etc
small stores will need more eyeballs
some users prefer cute non flashy store fronts
- newspaper mode store (monocle)
- 3d store
- just a typical retail site but with focus on, say, laptops. - cos on amazon, the spectrum is not clear
amazon purchase lists - this will help
2) home network purchaser
buy from wholesalers for apartment complex, maybe from affiliate links
3) self help book. seriously, you've read it all
action/result quadrants ( now on
tripod of self
checklist planning
4) stock market speculation
find highly fluctuating stocks of companies with sound fundamentals
5) redbubble/threadless model (no postergully)
just make art, have the site fulfil it, promote on your own website, just focus on marketing
6) monocle
personal site with twitter and blog feeds ,games, chat, todo lists, notepad/blogpad, portfolio ,maps etc, for a personal social circle at family level
(decentralize facebook - federated social media )
also a good project todo
can also do personal library with pics
7) ? scale + ai = do what how ? dunno.
I will come back with more, hopefully, and flesh these out, put them in my violence-of-action gun and fire them
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