re-awaken the old masters
from Greenspun
The typical white collar worker gets the job by having the right credentials and connections and then gets ahead by pleasing his or her boss. This worker might have a fancy education, a fancy suit, a smooth demeanor, and a political sophistication, but know nothing about making a profit or pleasing customers. The shareholders want profits, but the employee wants a raise and a promotion, things that can be most easily obtained by sucking up to the boss. It is very difficult to refocus one of these middle managers to think about customers and profits instead. Once the employee psychology sets in, it seems to be more or less permanent.
If you remember the lore, Greenspun did stuff in LISP and scheme as part of a CS education.
see :
So many works -start with the sitemap and work down the list, finish off the technical content asap, then move on to reviews and other writings.
This , I think, is a site that I feel I should pull completely. While Sivers has lot of content, it is lightweight and dogmatic. Fried and Fowler are also blogs. This is a site, not a blog.
(iI) from, another independent thinker -doer.
His original blog posts on lisp, functional programming, taming (doubt | perfection) and Enso gave me the feeling that I was on the right track and things will work out. I seem to have come unrooted, unanchored...
These people were my 'future-possible' selves, and reading about them gave me a cutout larger than me that I just needed to fill, to step into their lives. Things aren't that simple now, and I am tasked with predicting where I'll end up, but the abstractions and formal systems are the tools I feel I need to sharpen. Mathematical thinking.
Can you make a profitable business with programming ?
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