Thursday, November 25, 2004


Listening to o-saathi-re in a quiet and solitary place late at night is uplifting and exhilarating, bordering almost on the spiritual
I am on my knees, head bowed, humbly thankful for the experience.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


somebody stop the world, i wanna get off !!


friend i met thru a friend called after the Exam.
said they changed the pattern slightly

said he needed strong medicine ...

Friday, November 19, 2004

i say

when the going gets tough, the tough go home

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Speech by Michael Crichton here
sounds like a flavor of Atlas Shrugged come true. depressing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

nada Brahma

The sound is the Creation.( i know this is a lousy translation, but it is mine so it remains :P )
History records the doings of a chap called Chladni. In 1787
Chladni sprinkles sand evenly on a steel plate and runs a violin bow across the side.
He finds, to his surprise, that the grains of sand have arranged themselves into patterns.
patterns that are symmetric, geometric and interesting. Being $avvy, he makes
and sells some of these as art.
one such Chladni pattern
wikipedia link here
Others after him pick up the pieces of his work and make something bigger out of it.
A being takes shape.They call it cymatics. Looks like ( methinks) they have the answer
to life the universe and everything. But mostly, they have fun with lotsa cool gizmos and
musical instruments and generally fool around at the taxpayers expense, coz all this falls within the class. of legitimate univ research.

Other who came even later wax eloquent about the wonders of sound and music in such
black-ish/gray arts such as accelerated learning and mind power ( ever heard of a guy called Raj Bapna ? don't worry, "no" just means you are not one of those who read competitive magazines with names like "success-something-something" and/or "super-success-something-something" etc etc, hardly a loss i'd say).

There's this usual story about the experiment in which one set of plants were exposed to loud rock music and another set were exposed to classical music. The rock-listeners got messed-up somehow.Also, Bach wrote his Goldberg variations to help a nobleman cure his insomnia.
Which makes one feel that there might be something to this music thinggie after all.
String theory probly wants to say that everything is made of a few strings vibrating in different modes/dimensions.
nada Brahma ?

disclaimer : apologies all around if you find any part of this piece offending.all parts of this piece are from here and there, none mine.
ps:cymatics ppl claim the sri yantra can be generated using the frequency of 'om' chantings .kewl, eh ?