Monday, September 24, 2018

time to stop, setup camp and take a stand

sorry folks, but this here's the most beautiful thing ever, that I've seen

Thursday, September 20, 2018

India will have the largest working age population in 2027
They will need training ,services and information.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

hello mr robot

I feel like Christian Slater is the Saif Ali Khan of the west. The voice is  toned down but similar. So is the I'm-smarter-than-you attitude ...

I've had it till here about conspiracy theories about 'them' and a 'group' of people controlling 'everything'. Anyone who's worked in any sort of hierarchy would know that that sort of thing is nigh impossible. It's hard enough to control ONE person, talk about all.

If green lizard men from outer space rule the Earth, I'm sure people will find a nash  equilibrium soon enough.

Has a voice-over-narration which reminds me of Fight Club. Has the same my-life-is-fucked-but-I-talk-normally tone

"You sense there's something wrong with the world"

Wipe out all credit card debt. That's from Fight Club.

Matrix meets Fight Club meets Office Space.

Episode 2 is named eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg" . Welcome to the desert of the real ,indeed.

Sega font.

They themselves call it Evil Corp.