Tuesday, October 31, 2023

the great riverboat adventure

 probability engines

some of them are fuelled with the throw of die

others are more complex

most popular are ones 

which ...

the central idea is that some probabilities have to happen at some place to curve out the graph

so, if you find an un-developed portion of space

you can generate the probability

and manifest the space and time there

of course, maps keep going dark as and when you stop looking at them

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

filthy ,over-engineered piece of cr@p sh!t

as a strain, we are a colonising variety

after husbanding cattle, and poultry, man quickly progressed to colonising .... mankind itself 

older religions have a goal of self-realisation, 

modern religions cultivate human societies like a garden, a field, a herd

calling your adherents (victims) sheep gives the game away

and is an in-your-face kind of arrogance

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

oh thanos how wrong thee ass-brain let me count the ways

Dear Thanos,

The candidates for Spectacular Lack of Common Sense have been announced, and we are pleased to let you know that you are in the top in the running  . On hearing about your snap-kill-half exercise, our judges got so energised as to write down the following -

 a) world population would reach its current levels within one iteration of the snap - you aren't affecting birth rates. 

b) inaccuracy and imprecision - what if the snap killed a bus driver or a pilot piloting a plane across the Atlantic ? it wouldn't be a fair half-half chance, a lot more people would die flaming deaths than calculated for .

c) killing half the civilised technical world would have terrible repercussions more than killing half the rest.  Resulting plagues would wipe out more people than you could imagine.

d)  if you had all those hocusy-pocusy coloured stones, why not make more food , or make humans colonise more planets ? I agree, putting right ideas into human heads is an uphill battle, but still, why not transport half of them to some other planet which has life ... ?

e) we can't get over this one - the western world is heavily mechanised. Randomly making people vanish would ensure that large machines would go careening around , smushing out innocent bystanders left and right - think runaway trains, cars carroming into each other on the high way, cranes dropping loads, ships running aground , etc etc

f) we'll be back

Friday, October 06, 2023

 Lost 5 pounds ?

Losing 5 pounds is nothing, 5 pou ds is swi g weight, youll get it back next week

Losing 10 pounds is better ,but youll get it back in the next few months or so

Thursday, October 05, 2023

conversations I have with myself so you don't have to

me: hi, how are you doing

me: great ! thanks for asking 

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

worth their weight in gold videos

 the Benjamin finance guy video on pirates, and r/wallstreetbets greats videos

accented cinema's review of old mulan vs new mulan

asianometry's videos on japan, korea, philippines, taiwan ....

 why is academia left-leaning ? 

I haven't watched this video by the very awesome Adam Something, but I can attempt a two line answer combining an old adage and a T.Kaczynsky idea -

- those who can, do ; those who can't, teach

- the left is about people who cannot 'do', and therefore have to do what they can to destroy what the 'do'ers have achieved

of course, the flip side is that welfare is seen to have worked in many cases, as opposed to the bootstrap prescription given to the disenfranchised

I love the 'Dubai is a joke' video by the same guy.  

Adam something comes from eastern europe, with a good dose of germanic thinking.


 ISSC International Society for Simpsons Compliance

An adjustment bureau which ensures reality adheres to Simpsons episodes

 Until a certain age, children look and dress like their parents. The daughter rejoices in looking exactly the same as the mother. And why not, she is the sun around which our tiny hominid finds orbit.

Of course, the mother hopes the tiny homimid would soon turn into a radiant star, a light unto itself, and a source od joy and wonder to the world, and these chickens come home to roost a few short years later in the form of lip, sass, attitude, and extreme accusations of terrible unfairness.

At this point, the parents understand natures wisdom of the young leaving the nest, and take their radioactive toxicicity out into the world and get new victims.