Friday, November 30, 2007


who gets where is pretty much the same as who gamed the system to get where.
destiny is for insects

Thursday, November 29, 2007

why fast

link to article here

in short, when you fast while drinking water, stored glycogen is used and the pancreas gets a rest from breaking down food into glycogen.

Monday, November 26, 2007

more odd ends

Friday, November 23, 2007

in pursuit of ... laziness ?

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

-- from "Leisure," by W.H. Davies

Interesting link from Giles Bowkett's site
Koyaanisqatsi ?

in other news, is now officially a rag, I've gotta stop going there

The 35-hour week of the French is gone
I used to wonder about it when people would talk about the superior culture of the French. After I read the article at the link, I understood. Now I worry that it might come to not be, in this age of haste.

"They" are out to make ants out of us. "They" might very well be an "it" too.

Guilt be the reins of the Horse called Fear, and is a motivator. Beware.

Over the weekend, I saw 'The Shipping News', bits of 'The Shadow' and the new Steve Martin version of the 'Pink Panther'. Ecellent, interesting ,tasteless respectively.

Movies are moving to short and shorter sentences and simpler and simpler plots and 2d characters. It's a sign.

For ages people used to live off the land. Market forces are putting an end to this.
Under free markets, the most you can do in life is work for your living. Everything you like you must make,keep and maintain. So choose carefully. Idleness is not an option, unless there's a market for it

I'm going to go ahead and label the Advertising & Marketing Industry worldwide as the Industrial Lie Machines and Stealers of our Consciousness and Clouders of Thinking ... please find me some more apt adjectives, I seem to have run out ..

Thursday, November 08, 2007

soul re-alignment

On an optional festival holiday, the roads are as close to deserted .
The drive takes half an hour, riding almost throughout on the third gear or above.
Empty office bays and a semi-empty cafeteria does much to induce peace.
Neighbours on the phone have their impact amplified by the emptiness of the room, but music helps overcome that. Investing in headphones was a smart thing to do.
Starting with shakuhachi instrumentals we've moved on to Wagner. Youtube + HSInternet is a treasure, a gift.
Apparently, with meditation, one can experience pain, yet not suffer ?
The silence
It must be a truism, that greater suffering accompanies greater reward.
Days like these

The time of Schumacher's idea has come probably - E.F Schumacher - not the driver guy .. this is very interesting
check out our own champions from ARTI

talking of solar stills, am thinking an ideal place would be a desert with a seacoast - unlimited supply of salt water to use, dry sunny lands to place your stills. With global warming and increasing sea levels, what better than to bleed away the salt water in your solar stills !

Friday, November 02, 2007

of the day

we're all shallow, but I'm better than you because my shallows are at a deeper level than yours