Saturday, February 29, 2020

Reading pieces of introduction to general systems thinking.
A lot of it seems like a personal model that I could do well to use.

I want to use Cook Ting's story as a working philosophy.

I read the undercover economist again in the library. It was with  new eyes. It seems to me to portray the  margin as the most important perspective in economics, and the activities of humans.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Communication is a basic human need. Deprive us of the ability to make a connection with our fellow people and we become depressed or upset within a day or two.  

Monday, February 17, 2020

so many books have come on my plate

Marshall McLuhan - Gutenberg Galaxy
“Terror  is the normal state of any oral society" ( from the Coupland book also)

Ikigai (seb marshall, not the other guy)
from the Sivers book notes - inside view of attitude

 - become a technical leader
- secrets of consulting
- intro to general systems thinking

Scott Page
Model Thinker

Courage to be Disliked
- from Sivers

Thinking in bets
Pfeffer power

Charles Stross -  Delirium Brief

Cybernetics - Weiner !!
Delanda War in ...
Godel by Smullyan
Senge Fieldbook
Portable MBA

How do these feed into something relevant ? Ans, page/senge/weingberg-intro/eades - these might be the landscape,  thinking-bets/ikigai,fumitake-disliked for

Sunday, February 16, 2020

I have ordered a phone protective back cover with my zen leaves printed on it.
fingers crossed.
more art.
energy flows where attention goes.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

“When people accept futility and the absurd as normal, the culture is decadent.”

Saturday, February 01, 2020

nice things

Have I mentioned this before ? Have i NOT ?

** civilisation starter kit
lego kit of 3d printed stuff that is all you need to setup a city ?

has anyone tried this in a desert ?