Friday, August 28, 2020

the economy, capital, and power,  like sourdough needs to keep growing

rock-paper-scissors is an effective model of power

once you do baking, the myriad forms of food of the world collapses into wheat-yeast-heat-and-eat

i believe a mechanic discovering welding feels similarly

if you see only what you believe, how can you get right beliefs so that you can see the truth ?

there is no truth, only ideologies mental models stories, that manifest as you go

constructive ideologies models stories pass for the truth and are invisible . 

science fails every day, yet we move forward on it.  Einstein (?) either believed Truth had a temporal component, or had trouble with the idea - I don't remember which.

destructive stories  pop-up regularly, as they have appeal, only because they are different from the 'party line'

one plugged it into Matrix knows at some level that it is all a dream and the urge to escape is like a splinter that needs picking

the first urge might be to destroy the world in the Matrix  on account of it not being real. however, the only change is that one has traded a working Matrix to a broken one.

absence is the solution, not the opposite

Thursday, August 27, 2020

 kids learn best from doing, also from who they like

most schools do not focus on doing, rather on sitting down and listening.

any wonder indians are known for talking ten times more than  doing ?

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

money is the social version of oxygen, or water.

serves a purpose, absence is fatal. 

and social is not about popularity or customs or hosting a party - think  hobbes' leviathan.

as  water makes soup, beer, and laundry possible, money makes higher  maslow things possible 

Monday, August 24, 2020

of the 7 billion people on earth, I'm sure, no more than 1 million are doing something that is worthy use of human abilities.

tragically, art, music, literature etc , the 'useless' pursuits, are the ones worthy.

the rest are just running around doing not much more than barely staying alive & reproducing,  and working hard to keep the rest from doing no more than barely staying alive & reproducing. aimed at 9 % of the world's population ( the 1% has a separate eco-system that doesn't figure in mass-production)

we have the power of industrial production of goods . yet, quite a lot of it is squandered on producing gadgets to replace perfectly good ones that are obsoleted by design,

we have the power of industrial production of food . yet, quite a lot of it ends up as  junk food steering us towards diabetes or heart disease.

our era is defined by the principal-agent problem in politics. defined by how the populace is held in scarcity patterns by the integrators and the representers.

someone convinced us to mistrust our instinct for what makes us happy and satisfied. religion ? advertising ? More than coffee, this gets us up and running every morning ,searching for a quiet that we and peace that destroy with each spreadsheet we crunch each line of code we write, accelerating the economic machine and its ravenous appetite for chewing up delicate green of the earth and leaving polluted wastelands  behind.

man is well on his way to becoming an ant, earth a termite hill

the economy is the biggest matrix of them all, with no need for all the digital machinery . ironically it doesn't need to feed machines on the electricity provided

homo economicus is no more than the veal calf  or the foie-gras duck or goose forcibly made immovable and force fed and fattened. 

progress in the 'industrial' age depended on natural resources looted from the 'third world' . Europe modernised and the rest of the world became 'colonies' , its residents less than individuals.

today, the economic machine is a golem who needs work and will not sit idle. no corner of the world will be left alone, but won-over, domesticated &  harvested until it becomes a wasteland and its residents either slaves or terrorists.

kaczynski probably saw this all the way through early on

terence mckenna probably had a solution to one aspect of the problem

asimov got something when hari seldon made psycho-history.

sowell said it when he said it's about tradeoffs to handle scarcity.

the human has multiple identities - the tribe member, the team member, the family man, the individual ...

and also one per group he is member of . each one dominates at different times. On top of that we have the triune brain and the decision making.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee 

For appropriate regulation the variety in the regulator must be equal to or greater than the variety in the system being regulated

Thursday, August 13, 2020

To depend on the  rationality & scientific method  to serve as a map is like turning the pages of a  dictionary looking for a story.

Monday, August 10, 2020

 a supra-local prosumer-powered mesh-conomy  is our best bet against the shortcomings of a centrallized currency

today, we have the technology net and computational power to survive in a disitributed economy-of-economies, with machine learning leading the assault on AI  driven forecasting and supply chain