Monday, September 28, 2020

the next killer app will be mesh net implementations , encrypted transmissions, supporting discovery,  and available on the digital store 

cool kids will join  ephemeral  groups and leave them before you can say snap

it will be a policing and parenting nightmare. not touching natsec for now

might be a business opportunity to build a protocol with an embedded back door, so that cody hardwood/hubertus bigend types can farm micro cultures with ease, secure in the knowledge of the digital umblical cord tying the new wave of skateboarders/cap-backwards-wearers to the beloved mainstream  that they husband

* didn't notice the bigend/hardwood theme until now

telecom behemoths would ignore it first, as a bunch of cool weird geeky half-humans with pink/blue hair would try it first

then a small company would rise to success on its prowess

there will be a cultural movement spread entirely through this medium, which begat which shall never be known

and in the compressed lifecycle of tech, especially  with something already prototyped ,built, and real world tested ( Chennai floods), I predict the timeline to be 2-5 years before biggies start offering it as a feature, simultaneously weakening it by using captured data to setup cell towers wherever mesh-nets are prevalent.

late realisation - 99% of all social interactions are people saying 'no' to you indirectly.

Friday, September 25, 2020

hoary chestnuts

maybe we are in Keynes world of the 15 hr week, and combined with the almost-permanence of ones'  place in the economic strata,  people have time to ponder, and need to be distracted ?

maybe division of labour has de humanised (adams,chomsky) people so much that any belonging will do?

Sunday, September 20, 2020

 y'know, married life with kids puts me in the mood for work

Friday, September 18, 2020

"Supply chains don't supply chains unless it's a chain supply supply chain " - Chuck Woodchuck

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

 i hate the new blogspot.


 problem with trying to be your own coach is this -

a coach is required to teach you something that you don't know.

we need to  get around this definition, for you cannot teach yourself what you do not know.

we can refer to the concept of parallel of lazy evaluation in computation ,where functions that aren't defined can be referenced (but not called)...

as a coach, one can set a growth path, with vaguely defined progress goals, and somewhat less-vague real world changes - for example - 

vague -  in a few months, we'll have better BMI and muscle tone

less vague - in 6 months, we'll have a BMI that is 25 and some muscle tone that is visible.

the approach is the same, control the variables in one or two ways - eat less/ eat better / eat different / workout more / workout different/ try meditation or tai chi ...

the only way this can work is that one accumulates a series of experiment results and keep getting the power and resources to do more and more risky experiments to learn more and more, until the sequence works in your favour in terms of growth and swag