mischievousness is nothing but individuality and concomitant action in someone else
when others don't share worlds with you
unfortunately the froogy doesn't know what the froogy is. you have to see for yourself.
mischievousness is nothing but individuality and concomitant action in someone else
when others don't share worlds with you
difference between being somebody and doing something (Boyd)
a fast bowler bowls fast bowls, but a person playing the game will attempt to take wickets one way or the other
(this is a sucky example. a fast bowler attempts to take wickets. presuming it is easier to bowl medium or slow , the hypothesis is that a person bowling fast is attempting to do a difficult thing, when easier options exist)
how about - managers exist to retain, and grow budgets, and only incidentally grow their divisions/projects/teams
Sometimes I feel religious practice, especially what Ram Dass describes in Be Here Now, aims to provide a trippy life without actually purchasing or ingesting anything specifically for it, and shares similarities with the shaman intern fasting & sitting in tents waiting for lights and visions to come ...
When I frame sadhakas as folks desperately working hard to get permanent trippy powers, like the ability to take trips at will, it makes a phenomenal amount of sense . It makes the ritual that religious folks go through, as purposeful now.
There's something for idea that religious practice is something to do with re-training and re-wiring the neural network in your brain so that purpose continues to exist. The 'I' and the voice in your (mind's) ears is just trace/debug messages from the brain's log file, which got in front of the brain's headlights.
Fasting is a simple and powerful technique to re-draw the world around you, simply as it exactly was, but two lower degrees of importance .
Aurobinodo explores the idea that the Vedas pertain to the processes inside the mind , in his this book - Secret of the Veda.
Book available online atthe universe is a giant Rorschach gallery
moment by moment
a new story is made, or an old one reinforced
but it's all stories
all the way down
and a giant ball of buzzing nothing much at the bottom
A million people are holding the first step of a thousand mile journey under their foot, but are waiting for permission
if i die, will i be reborn at a chronological juncture after today ? or can I be born as, say, a viking in pre historic time, raiding and plundering Britain for fun and profit ?
can two souls co-exist in different bodies in different rebirths in the same time period ?
will there be 'leakage' between the two ?
will the mind keep rebirthing itself until it experiences all the realities it fractures are creating ? will that ever end ?
will the last few centuries be extremely jaded piles of kitsch ?