Friday, May 31, 2024

Don't read George Sheehan while on a bus

 So empty i could jump off a building and float all the way down like a feather

So unremarkable,  unworthy, and unknown, like the thousandth layer of grime out of a million, on the wall of a government building ...

The priveleged ,get to do work; the masses have to work to get to do work 

Evil is energy indifferent to you

It mushrooms all over the place 

glass and concrete and steel

And in this desert of civilisation

Grains of sand of rationality 

A tendril of life

 Some people 

Chase the new, the unseen

And show the world 


Beyond themselves

Push, and find the

Yet unseen

 if focus is a spotlight

then highly intelligent analytical people

don't know more at a time

rather their mind blacks out more than it focuses light on

thereby giving them a blacker world with

one bright spot

therefore, it follows that people who focus all the time

inevitably have spots which remain darkened all the time

(blind spots)

so much that they move into the subconscious

and can only be seen with re-training/ un-learning

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


advaita stuff

comes very close

to buddhism

and even closer to



shunyata is 



the way

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 transmit, or atleast, retransmit

and aim to die empty

show your work

as you show, you learn

and know what to show next

and what to learn for that

mid : things like taylor swift, harry potter ...

Sunday, May 26, 2024

the promise of  rules and order is seductive

one indulges in grammar until one runs into

the previous sentence is false

Saturday, May 25, 2024

 the bus has a driver

there are many buses and

the buses change

but each has a driver

once a bus is destroyed,

the driver moves on to another bus

after eating rice balls 

brought to him by

a bull

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

covered calls

1. buy one lot of shares. (this is your inventory )

2. sell a call option for a higher (OTM ) strike price (aim for atleast 5%)

in case the call option ends 

-  OTM , you get premium.

- ITM, you get the premium and also the profit between what you bought and the strike.

good. now go to step 1

well and good, but not so easy. simple . not easy.

this right here is your business model. there are some risks, but you can keep selling OTM call options almost inifinitely (one every month) 

not easy #1 : outlay is around 5-10 lakhs for one lot of shares to be held in inventory

not easy #2 : margin required is around 1-10L depending on underlying price. this doubles the working capital requirement while keeping return rates fixed, essentially halving the return

notes 1: every EOM, options positions close,  and depending on overall trend (bullish for eg), there is the reverse (selling), moving the index contrarily. This creates opportunities and problems.

eg - if market has been bullish, there is selling near EOM, meaning things are cheaper all-else-constant.

I saw this in the nifty option. for asian paints, there were occasional surges, so a sell order at a higher price would've gone through

scenario # : what happens if you sell two OTM options covered by the same lot of inventory ? ans you get in the shorts if the price zooms up leaving you on the hook for one delivery at market rates

now in case 

1. the underlying's price ends up above your buy, you can sell it right away and book a profit, or repeat step 2 above

2. the underlying's price ends up below what you paid for it ...... in case the underlying's price ends up below what you paid for it ...... you switch from speculator to investor, mark this trade for long hold, then beg around for fresh capital and repeat from the beginning you just go directly to step 2 skipping step 1.


his won't work on nifty because it's a cash not a delivery settlement

there's some uncertainty that we might exploit between this month and next month prices


 exercise , six hours week, four of them in the 2-4 zone - ie 120-159 bpm range, and 2 hrs at more than 159 bpm....

and this seems impossible, beyond all possibility

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

 a herd of cows

returning at dawn

the seven sages are probability anomalies or strange attractors , the valleys

present at and in the root of everything

at the time of creation, probability densities spike, and space and time occur

specific agents which manifest versions of energy

are the brahmas

the valleys attract matter around them and energy in patterns

and on release, travel the vast gaping void of probability space

to find another spot

to condense into

and be reborn

until then a bull will bring them balls of rice

and we boost them every year

Saturday, May 18, 2024

 the earth caused people to be born

people caused roads to be made

roads caused cars to be made

and yet, when i get behind the wheel

i think i am


Friday, May 17, 2024

the software in your brain makes the universe a suit of clothes you wear

your perception is what you wear

what you wear is what you are 

ram dass, using many other words

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 the law of the normal

things are what they are, until you get up close and personal, then they are everything but 

 you can't renounce the world

at the earliest, you have a few centuries of 'world' ness encoded in your dna and brain

at the latest, you have a few years of present-world experience to un-learn

you can, however, change your approach towards the world

so that it's less you

until the average of you and not-you works to lighten things enough

Monday, May 13, 2024

 i'm the sort of guy who won't wear a new helmet for fear that it will get damaged

Saturday, May 11, 2024

elections results are coming in june

let's buy options

let's buy a call and a put 

so that we make money if the market slides hard either ways

but wait, you already have a long position

you only need to hedge

hence you need nifty, bank nifty, and fin nifty puts

 of course, if there are cheap calls, don't say no to money

assuming a 2 day lower circuit breaker hit, and a bounce back to 19 and eventually 20

a put at 21 will fetch 1k, and 50L = 5000 puts at 21

too late

by the time i say this , markets have already moved 

best time to do this was start of may, or even april

didn't realise nifty options can be purchased for a year ahead, plus they are cash settled

this means actual equity will have less punters moving things around

of course, some iis will be following exactly this logic and punting in delivery-settlement-based-equity-options

Thursday, May 02, 2024

if you could close your eyes, 

and know that when you open them, 

you'll have no job no car no spouse no children no degree no bank balance

but you'll be walking up the steps to your house 

where you will change from your school uniform,  

drink the bournvita that mom made, 

watch dexter and swat kats until the kids start playing outside, 

then you will join them until you see your dad come home down the path

then you'll go home for homework dinner doordarshan and bed

would you close your eyes ?

would you pray ?