Sankopa ate a packet of old earth biscuits . It pushed his metabolism off its rocker, tanked his health-line for a day, and yanked up his med-premium. His wife was furious. "They had choco-cream filling !!" he explained .. but it didn't look like she understood.
A Med.Cen agent vid-called him, and spoke for a few minutes, explaining the damage, and the procedure required. The nano-bot pill arrived by afternoon courier. He was back to normal in one day, and back to slashing veeds in his home office. Veeds were video feeds which were weeds. They needed to be cut down. Motion detectors in his home office captured his Katana slashes, and deleting the related veeds . His cardio targets were reached in an hour of work, and then he switched to slow tai chi movements for flexibility, veeding as he went ( the right hand front slice was the gesture recognised for delete). His screen pinged with a red circle in the corner, indicating incoming communication. It turned out to be a intimation from the CAPaBara.
The enquiry by the Cultural Artifact Preservation Bureau (CAPaBara to those who had to deal with it) was more detailed entailed involved, and equally more annoying. They made him visit their office in the far far distant bureau district, and made him sit at a table which had a polygraph and recording device sitting on it. and went over his story. Since all agent cams had software which recognised faces, and recorded skin colour , temperature, and movement patterns ; lie-detection was implicit in any agent interaction, Correlated with the vast rivers of data captured from the unavoidable transit gates, the system ensured morality, in a way. The clunky polygraph and recording devices on the Bureau table were there only because the Bureau never updated all their tech at once, and had eventually realised that the idiosyncrasy kept the subject off-balance, and more open .
They wanted to know where he got the stuff, to begin with.
Dan had trouble in counting class because he had seven fingers on each hand. He wasn't a mutant, just an alien in Skybox72-7. Skybox72-7 was in Economic Sector 72, which was in a section of the skyhumans were just one of the many forms. Still, Earth's galactic hegemony ensured that the alien tag remained