Saturday, July 30, 2005


a copy of a copy of a copy
an image of an image of an image
a link to a link to a link

farther and farther without distance

"Curiouser and curiouser "
- Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll


wanna go home

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Mumbai's got it now.
Daily routines are being put on hold.
A lot of people are lucky.

Hang in there , Mumbai !!!

Monday, July 25, 2005


passes and some things are gone forever.
Like Selvam's Sura-omelette .

Sigh !!

people ought to get get together. that way,
someone will remember to tell you the story
you loved and forgot.


If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;

from "If" by Rudyard Kipling

O.k, fine. I kinda get this. But what about Joy and Sorrow ?
are they imposters too ?
sisters maybe ?

Saturday, July 23, 2005


The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
got to keep the loonies on the path

Brain Damage, The Dark Side of the moon, Pink Floyd

We've drunk the Soma, we've become the Gods

R.V 8 : 48 ( attributed to / paraphrased )

The past seems so good in retrospect, interesting even


I bought

- Congo by Michael Crichton
- Pattern Recognition by William Gibson

for one buck each. That's right, ladies and germs,
one prancing, antler-shaking ,umm,
buckskin-jacketed buck each and I
wanted to tell someone.

I try on my roomie first.But by the time I get
past the part where I explain that Jurassic
Park is not just a movie but also a book, and that
its author, a rather splendid chap called Michael Crichton
had written other books, one of them being this one
called Congo ..

What ? Gongo ? what is that

I give up. I'd rather teach origami to my pet bamboo.

On a different note, my yahoo radio is playing
Dire Straits - Six blade knife
Waves of cold-warm/blue-green nostalgia break
on me and transport back to a small green room back
in college where the 'The DUHs' ( as our music troupe
named themselves ) used to practise.


is not for real. If you disagree, come
down here, I'll show you a friend of mine ...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

pay attention

The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do

Johnny Depp as
Jack Sparrow in
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl


across the expanse took more than a week.
Moving by night and sleeping by day, on
and on until the faint sounds of the river
reached his ears. But he knew the water
would be slightly salty ...

Thursday, July 14, 2005


the less the people around , the more alone one is
the more the people around, the more lonely you are ?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

ultima ratio regum

The Last Argument of Kings.

Louis XIV had it stamped onto the barrels of
all cannons forged during his reign

Trust in God, but keep your gunpowder dry (paraphrased)
attributed to Oliver Cromwell

Sunday, July 10, 2005


I crawl like a viper
through these suburban streets

Deacon Blues, Steely Dan

Hang in there, London !!

Friday, July 08, 2005


Labels: , ,

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Tsunami girl

Update : Jul 9 :I am told ( see comment, thanks Albert!)
that this girl has been re-united with her family.
So please do nothing until further updates

I got an e-mail forward which said that
this girl turned up in a hospital in
Phuket after the tsunamis. She does not
remember her name or her parents' details.

The e-mail was looking for someone to
identify her, or pass on the word.

I don't know who to contact in case
someone does come forward with the

Please pass this on , if you will,

thank you


we are all ants !!

playing tag

been tagged again.

the movie thing first

1. Ghost in the Shell, Hostage, The Young Master ( a wonderful
Jackie Chan flick ), Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Mafia
(this is actually a game, but is as good as a movie, try it!!)
2. Last movie I bought : Monty Python ...
3. My Five : Mortal Kombat ,Vanishing Point, Last Action Hero,
Airheads,The Wind in the Willows (DD -a Sunday evening narration,
not a movie,strictly speaking )
4. I won't propogate a chain, this thread stops with me

onto the book thing then

1. books I bought : Soul of a new machine, The Hardy Boys, umm,
err, Tower Mystery ?, A collection of Asimov short stories,
Liar's Poker, Snow Crash ( didn't buy this one actually )
2. gifted ? A Clockwork Orange
3. books I read : 3 men in a boat, the dogs of war, Noble House,
His Last Bow (Holmes ), Liar's Poker
4. books that mean something to me
Wind in the Willows : my childhood pal
Louder and Funnier : a token definitive wodehouse, imho
The Sign of Four : a token definitive Holmes, imho
3 men in a boat : made me laugh at a time in life when I
was dangerously bored
Cryptomomicon/Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman ... ( can't decide
b/w the two )

and I forgot to add this ..
Adventures on Captain's Island, Adventures of Dennis, The Magic Carpet ...

*Can you fit the universe in a matchbox ? i doubt it... so
many books, so many authors, like friends scattered over an
infinite landscape of time, how many will I list here ? there's
not enough space in this margin anyway ...*

5. books I plan to read soon : Baba : Autography of a Blue-Eyed
Yogi ,or maybe Collapse/Guns,Germs,Steel or maybe Fight Club

6. like I said,I don't want to propogate a chain, so this thread
stops with me

That's all folks !!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

saw this on t.v

"Shark attack is a case of mistaken identity "

I thought sharks didn't take things personally.

This shark bit a guy's leg to ribbons. The doctor chopped it off.
The beaches have been re-opened now, but locals report that the
doctor was still spotted lurking ...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Recipe - Onion Bask

Cut an onion into two ( err... ) halves .
place one half face down in a cup/katori which has
water lining its bottom and place in fridge.
next day, take pan/kadai, heat till red hot.
splash the water in cup/katori on pan/kadai.
bask in the wonderful aroma.

Suggested uses :

- appetiser. seriously.
- use as substitute for daily practical joke - do an onion bask before toasting bread. serve bread with jam. answer queries with - what onions ?? you are dreaming things ..., are you sure you're ok ? what did you have yesterday ? etc etc

Disclaimer :
If you are a housewife/restaurant cook/gen. person using this technique for ages,
my humble apologies, I'm new to the kitchen.