been tagged again.
the movie thing first
1. Ghost in the Shell, Hostage, The Young Master ( a wonderful
Jackie Chan flick ), Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Mafia
(this is actually a game, but is as good as a movie, try it!!)
2. Last movie I bought : Monty Python ...
3. My Five : Mortal Kombat ,Vanishing Point, Last Action Hero,
Airheads,The Wind in the Willows (DD -a Sunday evening narration,
not a movie,strictly speaking )
4. I won't propogate a chain, this thread stops with me
onto the book thing then
1. books I bought : Soul of a new machine, The Hardy Boys, umm,
err, Tower Mystery ?, A collection of Asimov short stories,
Liar's Poker, Snow Crash ( didn't buy this one actually )
2. gifted ? A Clockwork Orange
3. books I read : 3 men in a boat, the dogs of war, Noble House,
His Last Bow (Holmes ), Liar's Poker
4. books that mean something to me
Wind in the Willows : my childhood pal
Louder and Funnier : a token definitive wodehouse, imho
The Sign of Four : a token definitive Holmes, imho
3 men in a boat : made me laugh at a time in life when I
was dangerously bored
Cryptomomicon/Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman ... ( can't decide
b/w the two )
and I forgot to add this ..
Adventures on Captain's Island, Adventures of Dennis, The Magic Carpet ...
*Can you fit the universe in a matchbox ? i doubt it... so
many books, so many authors, like friends scattered over an
infinite landscape of time, how many will I list here ? there's
not enough space in this margin anyway ...*5. books I plan to read soon : Baba : Autography of a Blue-Eyed
Yogi ,or maybe Collapse/Guns,Germs,Steel or maybe Fight Club
6. like I said,I don't want to propogate a chain, so this thread
stops with me
That's all folks !!