what if
bear with me
what if
what if
the Dude
was a modern day stand-in
for the Big J ? the JC !!!
unfortunately the froogy doesn't know what the froogy is. you have to see for yourself.
don't know what's more moving
that so many from their hearts come together to offer so huge a tribute
or something that's worthy of such
it's 30 years late
but i am awake now
the world is off center
(stop the world i want to get off)
listening to iron maiden when drunk on beer
is my religion
nothing compares to taking the thought-lattices into the real world
this comes a pale second
but I'll settle for this
Harold be thy name !!!
workout more
so you can drink some more
more and more
the stream flowth
debate like the persians
twice let the ratios clash
then let the swords clash
and let the edge be
brought forward
and see if you aren't alive
a mirror was walking down the road, when it ran into another person coming down the road
it said, I want to see what I look like
the other person said, that's cool, I happen to be a mirror, ( and it was) but I also want to see what I look like,
and our first mirror said, that's cool, we can both see each other in each other
and so they looked at themselves in each other
but .....
** new reading list
anti-oedipus, thousand plateaus, difference & repetition.... these
light that shines through infinity
ode less travelled
bksi pranayama
feynman lectures
ccna , ccwa
** oh no more newcomers **
samuel butler - erehwon
hg wells - time machine ! (see ai discussions)
** current reading /read list
McLuhan -Understanding media, the medium is the message
Walden by Thoreau, Emerson 's essays - Nature ...
Bibek debroy - ramayana
psychology of money
hardcore zen, sit down shut up, karma dipped in chocolate...,
Flashman !!!!
truckload of dung, mindf. bliss. beyond
AoW, BoFR, OW, P
** old reading list
sicp paip aima
model thinking
ashby - intro-cybernetics, design for a brain
adam smith
william james
intelligent investor
emerson essays
darwin among the machines
complexity digest
model thinking, melanie mitchell
4 hour work week, e-myth revisited
master li
i've learned to avoid prefaces, forewords, introductions, and the like, and get stuck in the first few pages of the first chapter of the books i buy and attempt to read
so, i am experiencing unprecedented levels of high quality failure these days
The id thinks in absolutes, without probabilities . Absolutes with a personal bent
Processing python doesn't work , for me. And not just the error it throws. This line from the home page
> With the gradual addition ... — it has become increasingly clear that Processing is not a single language, > but rather, an arts-oriented approach to learning, teaching, and making things with code.
source :
I've highlighted the key bit in brown, like the shit that it is . Hurl !
If you have enemies , you might end up dead, but you eventually inevitably will.
One might argue that we should provide a universal basic income, so that folks transcend the lower pavilions of Maslow, and are free to explore and practice art and science.
Thinking about it a little bit, you can see that these are the only two things that man can do with his mind.
Philosophy is study of what the world appears to be.
Art is building things that appear to be like the world, almost, maybe.
Philosophy aims to build abstractions which either encompass, or explain in a generative way, the infinite variations the senses perceive. Hence, it is philosophy that drives measurement, counting, and enumeration & categorisation of properties or attributes of nature.
Art goes the opposite way, and it builds non-abstract things, whose meaning and significance is abstract, whereas that of philosophy is concrete.
Aesthetics, beauty, elegance etc is an orthogonal axis to these.
What if the big bang was actually an explosion of consciousness, which gave rise to many virtual minds.... after all, the number of minds in the world is claimed to be one ..
In Advaita* even a rock is it.
What if dark matter which permeates and is contained in everything, is actually the Tao, it gives rise to the two - matter and energy, space and time, positron and electron .....
Atoms are 99% empty space. The boundary between the cup and the tea, or between two objects, is just a lot of space with some particles interspersed. I suppose, the only reason they don't blend into one, is charge, and material specific forces.
Then, if a person could switch off all charge in his body, he could walk through walls !
reading : Keepers of the Kalachakra by Ashwin Sanghi
ps : late night reading of Foerster talking about cybernetics
what if the taoist heaven and earth were nothing more than the wave and the particle ?
pps :* re advaita and vishishtadvaita from sivanandaonline -
Sankara's personal God, his Isvara, is himself something unreal, Ramanuja's Brahman, on the other hand, is essentially a Personal God
ppps : The ISKCONis sound remarkably like V.Advaita, even though the name they throw about much in their literature is Advaita....
this one page of mcLuhan quotes is such a trip in itself !
Channeling Alan Watts
Historically gods have enjoyed immense power and strength, riches, success in all battles, battalions of beautiful women. Everybody aspired to be one , to wander forests and come upon some magic or mage who would confer such powers onto them. Of course, conveniently ignoring Ragnarok. The death of Krishna doesn't get sung much.
The stories of Buddha in the east, and later Jesus in the middle-east, put an end to that. Now godding is not an aspirational career choice any more. No more 'celestial monarchs'. Will new gods be in charge of the Interest Rates of the Universe ?
More Alan Watts - "Money isn't real. It's book-keeping"
It's only as good as it is enforceable, hence morality, law & order, and enforcement.
Universal basic income would fail in societies where rationality isn't predominant. Brains fear the unseen tiger in the bushes more than the fruit(?) dangling off it. Hence, in any society, over time, money will flow to the one who can keep the monsters at bay, and typically the monsters are kept at bay by other monsters, hence you'll find them in the police and army.
Can a maslow index be calculated , to describe how a person/society would behave, given a situation, where in the hierarchy would the response come from ?
brainy people need to express themselves to remain happy. brains secrete thoughts like stomachs secrete acid, said a buddhist. and in keeping with the rules of physics, we can assume the secretions pile up and up in the head until the human is paralysed. that is why yoga nirodhas the citta-vrittis, and nirvana is a 'wind'-less landscape.
2 take aways from mark manson's elon musk video - problem solving as a way to wealth, and doing one thing for a few DAYS as way to be more effecting.
super-apps !
i think an app dealing with just, say, menus, would be easier to create, operate, and maintain.
Delanda de-stratified
Types of loops
thnking outside the box
Reversing McLuhan Numbness
Karma : Weaponising (softly) McLuhan Numbness
Speaking of things without using their name(s)
The Graham Hancock Phenomenon
Meditation as refactoring the symbol manipulator value map
Only one electron
General Semantics
spotlight and searchlights of attention