Tuesday, April 25, 2023

 nothing else to do but netflix

 wealth comes from others, in return for goods or services provided, in the form of goods or services

therefore, it follows that wealth, and economics, is rooted in other people,  aka politics

since humans contest each other for their needs as much as their wants,  politics can also be seen legislating things that are seemingly non-essential non-fundamental facile , ditto the escalating price for premium junk food or flimsy gilty name-items

again, if someone were to build a Maslow Index for a polity ....

religion functions as opium - pain-killing, euphoria-producing

spirituality on the other hand,  produces energy and clear-seeing 

3 shots of olive oil,  taken two hours after a meal,  makes you to do epic shit

Friday, April 21, 2023

 bought a 10k+ phone after 2 of them conked .. one that I even purchased

it's been around 2 years, and it's choking under the memory requirements of modern apps

planning to get another one but it's 20k now...

or can I use the old phone to hold WhatAapp and Telegram and use a not-smart phone for phone talking and sh!t

also need a second sim to use for purchases so that they can spam all they want

the JS game programming thing I started a month ago is languishing, along with all my other projects.

nobody to talk to about it...   

the whole delaying of gratification doesn't work at all....   maybe the code jam idea  will help ...

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

if a tree. ...

master :  if a tree falls in the forest, and no one hears it, then has it fallen ?

novice : yes,  the alert will be on the dashboard ....

what to do with full-time time off

 1. volunteer , like Rang De

2. hang a shingle and collaborate with smaller startus

3. do the https://www.fast.ai/ deep learning course

3. take off the shelf ai and wrap into product

4. build a game

5. build a game ai

6. build a LOB product clone, build a co around it, like recreate slack or word or email.no kidding. productise a todo list. skin it out in different flavours . burn fingers marketing it

7. Incorporate in the USA from anywhere using  firstbase.io 


what to do if not laid off

hi level

linux kernel and networking, read greyhat python

cisco neworking

postman clone

distributed systems - cassandra vs redis vs kafka 

learn druid and flink and how they work together 

Monday, April 17, 2023

polity, politics, politician, police, metropolis

hell is other people

Playing with water is fun as a kid, playing with boats is more fun. Building your own propelled balloon boat, egg shell steam boat, RC electric-motor driven model boat ...  it just keeps getting better. The joy in making something move in the water and take a life of its own, is simply transcendent..ent... 

If you join the navy, it's transcendent in another way. Getting yelled at a lot, living in shoebox-like spaces, eating horrible food, servicing large unforgiving mechanical monsters, your life, time, purpose, energy  at the whim of others ...

Thursday, April 13, 2023

 it's not enough to be compassionate

you have to kill something

go on

notes to self

 1. drain regularly thy notes  

2. cross-work. 

     - slide deck of my bookshelf

     - a water colour of systems

     - poems of ai

3.  Express regularly

     - express the mundane and daily as art,  to connect items across areas 

4. revisit blog and assemble pieces into larger works 

5. cross-express

     - sadhguru sayings by proactive! guy

     - macluhan quotes by bearded turban guy

6. pencil crayon ink water-colour in the same picture


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

draining notes - giants

General Guiding lights

SICP Chapter 2 opening quote : 

The acts of the mind, wherein it exerts its power over simple ideas, are chiefly these three: 1. Combining several simple ideas into one compound one, and thus all complex ideas are made. 2. The second is bringing two ideas, whether simple or complex, together, and setting them by one another so as to take a view of them at once, without uniting them into one, by which it gets all its ideas of relations. 3. The third is separating them from all other ideas that accompany them in their real existence: this is called abstraction, and thus all its general ideas are made. 
John Locke, An Essay 
Concerning Human Understanding (1690)

From the Tao of Programming  

When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave

From Taoist literature 

Cook Ting and his ox Cleaver

Joko Beck

Life always gives us exactly the teacher we need at every moment. This includes every mosquito, every misfortune, every red light, every traffic jam, every obnoxious supervisor (or employee), every illness, every loss, every moment of joy or depression, every addiction, every piece of garbage, every breath. Every moment is the guru.

 Kalzumeus / patio11



mindbogglingly large amounts of money in mundane simple LOB apps

Jason Fried



sell-sawdust.  like Rails

Derek Sivers

There's too many, here're the main ones

happy,smart, useful.  https://sive.rs/hsu

ceramics art project story  https://sive.rs/failure

no speed limits https://sive.rs/kimo

hell yeah! or no! https://sive.rs/hellyeah


all of it- good range



Steve Maxwell  


there are 5 links on this page. Ensure to read them all. Themes - minimalism, pranayama, chi, life

Rasmus Lerdrof  quotes on programming

 We have things like protected properties. We have abstract methods. We have all this stuff that your computer science teacher told you you should be using. I don't care about this crap at all.
 I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems.
I've never thought of PHP as more than a simple tool to solve problems.

Giles Bowkett

 Again, so many, but the original blog has been scrubbed and anything interesting has been sanitised. Ditto for Zed Shaw

Zed Shaw

Steve Yegge

Three blogs and counting. Infinite number of words. 

also videos.

Your job is not your job, Your job is to automate your job away !


Scott Adams

I still hold God's Debris to be the best explanation of the universe. How-to-fail is also gets great perspectives.

Slava Akechmet

Two posts on Lisp - explaining lisp
Three articles on life stuff  - taming doubt, taming perfection, raelity of enso
all removed. wayback machine would still have some i guess 

Christian Grobmeier

10 rules of zen programmer.

Keep your mind clean

Cal Newport

Corrupted callings/career capital
Deep work (murakami running)

Philip Greenspun

Matt Might

Computer stuff / functional programming stuff aside, lots of wisdom

Alan Kay

man who said "knowledge is silver, perspective /outlook is gold, IQ is lead"
no blog, but youtube videos are deeeeeeeep

Scott Locklin

'How to be a man' article. Let's face it, we all need to look in the manual now and then ..

Mark Manson

just keep reading em all

Mark Watson

Mark Watson

Loving Lisp book
Java AI Book
Python AI Book

James Hague

Michael O Church 

How the Other Half Works: an Adventure in the Low Status of Software Engineers
again, post taken down. Still, very enlightening exploration of status.
waybackM to the rescue

Naval Ravikant : Rich no luck

many soundbites


also, gervais principle for introduction to powertalk for the clueless


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The foot bone's connected to the ankle bone, 

via "TenGigabitEthernetb3/0/0" to "0/10"

 ever in fear, he squeezes the sands of life so tightly in his fist

that they stream out of the gaps between his fingers


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Monday, April 10, 2023

the drummer's call

 it's suddenly quiet, just the sound of the surf

and it feels like i'm standing on the beach, with the waves receding more than they are coming in

in the evening failing of light

there's a man standing there

he hands me a pair of drumsticks

suddenly I notice

there're drums behind him , in the gloom

not just one, a lot , side by side, all the way past sight

"play whatever you want  .. play from the heart", he says, 

"it'll be enough."

from the top of the  steel rod tower in the sand,  the dim shape of a man starts waving his hands

 riffs from a thousand guitars united, break over the sound of the waves

hundreds of symbols clash in the moment , and

i run towards the empty drum set 

as the sounds start filling the sky....

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

* first day as a meth math dealer

them : do you have a proof that's rigorous and thorough ?
me : *giggles ... we don't have thoreau, is emerson okay ?
* gets stabbed

Monday, April 03, 2023

In 2000 a batch-mate wrangled a summer internship in HP. took me along as a sidekick.

Once there, we make a Bug reporting tool . These were glorious days . Front-end meant writing HTML code via the out.println of the servlet, and we manipulated the back-end directly via  JDBC . With my extensive experience in C programming ( 2 hrs max) , I wrote code to create a JDBC connection every time the 'function' was called. An HP employee tried very hard to teach me relational database cocnepts, and chided me when  I dropped tables left and right.  Another reviewed my code, and with a distressed expression,  exclaimed "You've written it like C" ... he felt the same pain as though someone had put petrol in his diesel car and driven it..

Lunch as Ă…LWAYS channa batoora at a chat shop nearby, I would get to office taking two buses, smoking in between the change. Cigarettes were 1- 2 rs each

Things haven't changed much, code-wise... 

Day in and day out I have cursed OOP. It has always been a case of over-engineering. It's nice to have a parent class cover the complexity of the  core domainf and then the child classes extend the behaviour ,adding sub-domain functionality. yet, this only works if you have complete domain knowledge up front. if you get the perspective wrong while starting, you'll be forever throwing away your classes.

procedural seems saner in this light.

Sunday, April 02, 2023

 more turns on the hamster wheel

i realise i have nothing to say

bought hg wells - the flying man and other stories , from om books, phoenix mall

metro rides

whitefield,  kadugodi, wopfarm are all desolate wasteland, with a container processing place somewhere in there