Monday, September 30, 2024

does a sentence know anything ?

it doesn't but its structure does, in accordance with the grammar

so does grammar know anything ?only as per the rules that make it

the substrate in which the rules are made

in other words, the grammar knows/does as per things that are not IN it

but rather the material from which it is made

a tangent

Saturday, September 28, 2024

 the part of me which keeps building my stomach lining again and again

after the hydrochloric acid does it in 

is my primal sisyphus

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 kafka's the trial in today's world would be a programmer waiting for a code-review approval

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 let one complete/fully formed/reified  incomplete thing dispel the rest of the incompleteness

otherwise the chicken-and-egg problem will never go away

Monday, September 23, 2024

 the explore-exploit concept in RL struck a very large gong in my head

i'd read a narrative version of it in Bloom, about bacterial groups going off searching for food

i'd saw/heard it in the video on RL - i had read about agents and mazes it in the first chapter of AIMA ( it was in that age where I never read/understood/implemented) anything past the first page of any book I had ....

but when Rory Sutherland talked about 10-20% bees ignoring the waggle dance and going off elsewhere , it rang the large gong , rather deafeningly 


over the last couple of days this idea struck me

the male of our species is essentially coded to be explorers. The testosterone assures that (?). The female is the exploiter.  As per McLuhan, the female is the first centre, as the male needs to run interference for her/it. Men become successful typically later in life, when their testosterone runs lower, and they can stop going off on tangents/unbeaten paths...

Rory S was talking about organisations weeding out seemingly unprofitable roles/functions in the name of efficiency, and ending up weeding out the explorers ( and that's why we the system comes up with horsecrap like 'where is my cheese' - something the drone in the trenches cannot ever put to practice)


without nature indulging in 'explore',  there wouldn't be more than one sigma...

Saturday, September 21, 2024

 pinky the goldfish

 humans may be animals

but our neurons grow like plants

therefore favorable behaviours must find fertile substrate

must be watered and pruned regularly

but can't be uprooted and thrown away

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 we humans are but 

self-managing neurons

 of the brain that is 


soon machines will be our arms and legs

Sunday, September 15, 2024

 silk route's 'best of' video in youtube is 3 songs

i'm guessing their epnymous album and 'best of' album's the same thing

youtube doesn't bother inserting ads in their video

but hey, i don't care

 i'm listening to 

sabse peeche hum khade

and i will be listening to it forever

when you're perfect

you probably don't need another album muddying the waters 

 i cannot over-emphasise the suitability of the 'june pona' song on a  sunday mid-morning

i cannot i cannot i cannot

 they're calling for the drummers

i can't hear it yet

but i know they are ....

 what you seek is already within you

all the songs on the interwebs and i still only 

like what's on my ....personal computer

why  children 

your children take the job of growing you

after your parents turn ends

 after you cross your adolescence phase into

something that's not a larval form

the child comes, and starts its work

in its puny tender fingers 

you learn strength

in its dim gentle happy world view you see

the world as it is

 clue : sounds like money coming in , in a greying yellow bag

ans : ecru

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 authenticity in being and living and interacting,  is the foundation of health

without this, all efforts towards health will totter, sink, flounder, sag .

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

 my favourite pastime is to sit and listen to sad songs and mope 

now i've graduated

i can listen to happy songs of my childhood

and feel sad that the

good times have passed

but shaam tanha 

is in a class by itself

a wise man once said (or was it venky?)

that there's a thin line between listening to pink floyd and feeling depressed

and the real thing

it's midnight, pehla nasha, old monk, and grinding through the crud apis i needed to deliver yesterday

shaam tanha indeed

sitting in the balcony, overcast sky

music flowing

you've given yourself permission  to cry

but the days are so dead

stumbling through them like a zombie

tiny slivers of hope

never enough

Monday, September 09, 2024

 so bored

playing the same youtube-short in four tabs simultaneously

listening to the babble

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

key & peele, for when you don't have rum

m..f.... that's called a JOB !!